Update For: Newt

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Hi Maggie,


Thought I would send along a few pictures of Newt.  We are having a blast with her, she is such a great puppy, smart and loving.  I have to tell you how much I laughed the other night, it was about 94 degrees at 7:30 in the evening and I decided to turn the sprinkler on in the back yard, Newt immediately started playing in the water, then after a few minutes of that, she stopped and watched it, then she would lay down in the center of the arc, just outside of the water spray, and watch it come to her, then when it reached her she jumped up and tried to either head it or heel it into submission!  It was fantastic to watch.  She “worked” like this for almost an hour, although she did slow down and became more patient as time went on.  We didn’t get any pictures of that but Sam took some yesterday playing Frisbee.  She already knows “sit” and we’re working on “come” and she is learning “leave it”.  She loves to take walks and pester our other dog Casey (who tolerates the play until she’s had enough and then she just barks and Newt backs off).  Our cat is not quite as patient as Casey but once I convince Newt that the cat is not a threat and is part of the family that will be fine too.


Have I told you how much we love this pup?  


Enjoy the pictures,

Take care,
